Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a night!!!

I absolutely promised these two customers that their photos would be ready for viewing Friday evening. They have been so patient waiting for me to take exams and finish my last week of teaching before the break. It was a wonderful week with my students but I had no extra time at all. So I begin editing early this evening. Carson falls asleep and wakes up throwing up everywhere. I hold him and he goes back to sleep and we have now been through this cycle four times! It is 2:52 a.m. and I finished what I wanted to finally and Carson seems to be feeling better. In five hours I will be taking photos of kids with Santa! It will be fun but sometimes I wonder how I fit this all in. I hope Carson is feeling better in the morning as I want him to come with me. I really think it was something he ate. We will see...
Here are two more cards Kim - you can use any of my cards if you would like or feel free to use your own. I just wanted to give you some ideas how you could put together your photos. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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