Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope 2009 brings everyone peace and happiness.
What a year 2008 has been! I had many changes in my life and sometimes I am not sure how I made it through. Really though I do know how - with the loving support of Max, Cameron and Carson - that is how I perservered. However, nothing compared to a couple of dear friends I know; they had real challenges in their lives which they have handled with so much grace and courage. They are my heros.
2009 will bring many changes at CC Harris Photography. Look for a new look on the website, new techniques on your images and a brand new attitude. I am working on the fine print on the website with all of my changes/ updates so when you make your appointment I will be sure to fill you in.
As 2008 comes to a close, I thank God for my two healthy boys. A blessing I do not take for granted.....Happy New Year!

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