Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope 2009 brings everyone peace and happiness.
What a year 2008 has been! I had many changes in my life and sometimes I am not sure how I made it through. Really though I do know how - with the loving support of Max, Cameron and Carson - that is how I perservered. However, nothing compared to a couple of dear friends I know; they had real challenges in their lives which they have handled with so much grace and courage. They are my heros.
2009 will bring many changes at CC Harris Photography. Look for a new look on the website, new techniques on your images and a brand new attitude. I am working on the fine print on the website with all of my changes/ updates so when you make your appointment I will be sure to fill you in.
As 2008 comes to a close, I thank God for my two healthy boys. A blessing I do not take for granted.....Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

A proud moment

I did a shoot in the summer of a very beautiful and spirited two year old. I sold the parents the rights to the photos and they created a beautiful Christmas card which to me represents art. I was so proud when I received the card because it was me who created the photos. The card which was scanned does not represent the fine quality and photo image of the hard copy. However I still wanted to share.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blessings from 2008

Look for this card in your mailbox after the holiday. I appreciate all of you. Thank you for keeping me so busy! Sincerely, Shirley Harris

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More photos...

I am still proofing this job but I just love these two I edited so I had to share some more!

Look at those eyes!

I promise I did not do one thing to brighten or enhance these eyes. I do not think I have ever seen anything quite like it! What a fun family to photograph. Happy holidays!

another shoot...

Okay everyone you are killing me! It is a good thing I love what I do. I love shooting these kids - they are not only gorgeous but so much fun! I love using indoor furniture outside - a little funky, a little artsy and a whole lot of fun! When you schedule a shoot for me, take a look around your house for interesting chairs and props - they really can add uniquessness to a portrait. If I had a truck big enough, many of my family shoots would be on couches outside. Totally my style. Anyway, here is a sneak and a look at one of the cards I designed for them. Thank you!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Simply beautiful

Here are a few of my favorites from recent shoots... I have gotten so many beautiful shots this fall that I am looking so forward to updating my galleries. I guess I just shoot very photogenic people! Thanks everyone for letting me share.. Shirley

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a night!!!

I absolutely promised these two customers that their photos would be ready for viewing Friday evening. They have been so patient waiting for me to take exams and finish my last week of teaching before the break. It was a wonderful week with my students but I had no extra time at all. So I begin editing early this evening. Carson falls asleep and wakes up throwing up everywhere. I hold him and he goes back to sleep and we have now been through this cycle four times! It is 2:52 a.m. and I finished what I wanted to finally and Carson seems to be feeling better. In five hours I will be taking photos of kids with Santa! It will be fun but sometimes I wonder how I fit this all in. I hope Carson is feeling better in the morning as I want him to come with me. I really think it was something he ate. We will see...
Here are two more cards Kim - you can use any of my cards if you would like or feel free to use your own. I just wanted to give you some ideas how you could put together your photos. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Awesome family

When I was editing these photos I honestly found myself smiling. They all look so joyful! I love this family...thanks for EVERYTHING! Here are a couple of cards I came up with or feel free to go with your own! Thanks, Shirley

Monday, December 8, 2008

My boys...

There is nothing in the world like having children. I have been taking photos of my boys for the season and I wanted to share. Some minutes they drive you crazy and the next minute you realize you could never live without them...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pretty in color

I wanted to show this adorable little girl in color....precious!

Decisions, decisions....

I thought I loved the last idea but now I am kind of digging this. If we had more time Holly, we would let everyone vote. No time for that! You will just have to decide. Feel free if you want me to try some different pics or styles. I am sure we will have this out before Hudson starts kindergarten!

Baby announcement and Christmas card

Holly I am working on a couple of things for you. I put in a Christmas card order today with a front side and a back side and it occured to me you could do a baby announcement on one side and the Christmas card on another. Anyway, this is what I came up with. I am also going to work the collage card you liked so you can choose a favorite. Here is the two sided card I came up with.

Friday, December 5, 2008

This weekend

I am very excited! My shoots are completed for the season and I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation with my family. The semester is over at TWU and I received A's in my classes so I am beyond relieved. I have several jobs left to edit ~ what I will be doing is pulling the five best of each sitting so at least you can get rolling on those Christmas cards. I missed the fall season to do my sons' photos so I will be doing studio shots. Oh boy. Shooting my own children requires more patience than any two jobs combined! Wish me luck!

This is something fun I played with. The photos were from a recent shoot. I think it would look great in a large canvas. I am planning on doing something like this with my family.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Simply adorable

This baby has the bluest eyes and longest lashes I have ever seen. He is a cutie and here is a sneak preview for mom and dad.

I can't believe it!!!!!

Just moments ago I submitted my final exams for the semester. Yeah, I feel like a real weight has been lifted off of me! Two more classes finished, one to go! Now, I get to enjoy six weeks off from school in which I totally intend on spending it doing fun field trips with my seven year old. Now that seems heavenly. I have one course to go....I can really see light at the end of the tunnel.
Tomorrow back to teaching which is a good thing...I miss my kids!
Have a great day! Shirley

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Great to see you again!

I photographed these children a year ago so it was so fun to see them again. They are just as cute as ever! Mom looks FABULOUS ~ we should all be so pretty. Thanks for a great time!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Due to the holidays I am still behind and struggling to catch up! I have several jobs I am working on and I am going to give each of you some sneak previews. This precious girl was adorable - as busy as can be! Mom and grandma were so nice too.

Monday, November 24, 2008

More than patient!

I photographed this family a little over two weeks ago. I am sure they are wondering if their new son's birth annoucements will be out before he graduates high school. My deepest apologies I am running behind. Anyway, I know you deserve a sneak preview. Your entire viewing will be available before I go to sleep this evening. Keep in mind I do sometimes stay up until 4 a.m.!
Mom does not even know I shot that photo of her. She is a beautiful lady! Anyway, enjoy the sneak preview and more will come this evening! Thanks so much!

Max,Carson and I traveled to Shreveport this weekend. We called it Carson weekend and we had such a great time together. That was my first real day off since September 2nd so I just really enjoyed family time without distractions. Carson played in a football game and then we opted to spend the night in a hotel. Kids looovvve hotels, don't they!
All of you still waiting I am hoping to have all jobs released by next weekend. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another sneak

This fun crazy family deserves a sneak preview. They have been more than patient because now due to illness in the family, grad school exams and teaching I have exceeded my usual two weeks. I am soooo sorry to everyone out there waiting. I do say 21 days on my site just to cover myself. I am working as hard as I can but today I am off to Shreveport with my boys and I just won't miss it for the world. I will be working Sunday evening and I am off from school all next week and all jobs will be completed. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another great family

These girls were our second customer. I photographed them several times but this is the first time we included mom and dad. Mom and dad gave me about ten minutes to do their family portraits. I think we pulled it off! Thanks guys...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Customer!

This family was our very first customers when a friend of mine and myself went into business almost three years ago. Much has changed ~ we both run our own businesses now but I think I speak for both of us when I say that we are very grateful for those early customers. Your support for us was so appreciated as we embarked on our newest adventure. Thanks for sticking by me three years later! Happy holidays! Shirley