I am completely booked for the holidays. I absolutely cannot take any more appointments. Even if I said I would take your photos in the fall and you have not contacted me I cannot fit you in. Waiting until the second week of November is simply too late for me to find any open times. Thank you so much for the continued interest I have received...I am so grateful and I do realize I have so much to be thankful for this season. I appreciate everyone of you and please think of me in the spring.
With emails like this how can I not be so grateful?! Thank you so much for your kind words...they meant so much!
"If you have a hit counter on your website... I am responsible for 1000 hits this past week. My husband keeps saying "are you checking AGAIN?" We will be bugging you again VERY soon in the future! I may try to weasel in some Christmas pics without him knowing... :) Looking into a really cool plastic betta bowl as a prop for something like you did with Tatum? (I think) Hopefully Landry will be sitting up by Christmas? Maybe New years pics? :) Who knows. But indoors this time! And I definitely want you for April. His first birthday is the 22nd so the closer we get put me down! I have no clue clue how far you book in advance or fill up! :) Thank you so much and call me crazy but I am SOOOOOO excited! I LOVE your photography!"
Wow, thank you so very much.
I just had the pleasure of taking photos of a local football team. Aren't they adorable?! Good night! Time to cut out indian vests! Shirley Harris
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