Sunday, November 30, 2008

Simply adorable

This baby has the bluest eyes and longest lashes I have ever seen. He is a cutie and here is a sneak preview for mom and dad.

I can't believe it!!!!!

Just moments ago I submitted my final exams for the semester. Yeah, I feel like a real weight has been lifted off of me! Two more classes finished, one to go! Now, I get to enjoy six weeks off from school in which I totally intend on spending it doing fun field trips with my seven year old. Now that seems heavenly. I have one course to go....I can really see light at the end of the tunnel.
Tomorrow back to teaching which is a good thing...I miss my kids!
Have a great day! Shirley

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Great to see you again!

I photographed these children a year ago so it was so fun to see them again. They are just as cute as ever! Mom looks FABULOUS ~ we should all be so pretty. Thanks for a great time!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Due to the holidays I am still behind and struggling to catch up! I have several jobs I am working on and I am going to give each of you some sneak previews. This precious girl was adorable - as busy as can be! Mom and grandma were so nice too.

Monday, November 24, 2008

More than patient!

I photographed this family a little over two weeks ago. I am sure they are wondering if their new son's birth annoucements will be out before he graduates high school. My deepest apologies I am running behind. Anyway, I know you deserve a sneak preview. Your entire viewing will be available before I go to sleep this evening. Keep in mind I do sometimes stay up until 4 a.m.!
Mom does not even know I shot that photo of her. She is a beautiful lady! Anyway, enjoy the sneak preview and more will come this evening! Thanks so much!

Max,Carson and I traveled to Shreveport this weekend. We called it Carson weekend and we had such a great time together. That was my first real day off since September 2nd so I just really enjoyed family time without distractions. Carson played in a football game and then we opted to spend the night in a hotel. Kids looovvve hotels, don't they!
All of you still waiting I am hoping to have all jobs released by next weekend. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another sneak

This fun crazy family deserves a sneak preview. They have been more than patient because now due to illness in the family, grad school exams and teaching I have exceeded my usual two weeks. I am soooo sorry to everyone out there waiting. I do say 21 days on my site just to cover myself. I am working as hard as I can but today I am off to Shreveport with my boys and I just won't miss it for the world. I will be working Sunday evening and I am off from school all next week and all jobs will be completed. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another great family

These girls were our second customer. I photographed them several times but this is the first time we included mom and dad. Mom and dad gave me about ten minutes to do their family portraits. I think we pulled it off! Thanks guys...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Customer!

This family was our very first customers when a friend of mine and myself went into business almost three years ago. Much has changed ~ we both run our own businesses now but I think I speak for both of us when I say that we are very grateful for those early customers. Your support for us was so appreciated as we embarked on our newest adventure. Thanks for sticking by me three years later! Happy holidays! Shirley

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Request granted!

A customer requested a b and w I did of her daughter to be shown in color. Here it is. I did play with the tilt. Anyone out there reading this let me know which you prefer! She is a gorgeous girl. I did not even play with her eyes...they are that pretty...really. sigh.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am a sucker for nice comments!

I am still working on your photos! They all will be released sometime Saturday. Loved your nice comment so here are a few more!

To all of the others still waiting...two weeks is my deadline and I am staying very close to that...sometimes to the last minute! I know you all are excited for your holiday photos and I sincerely thank you for your patience.

CC Harris Photography

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sneak preview!

Currently I am working on this job. Here are some of my favorites so far!
Also, thank you for the continued inquiries for holiday appointments. I am currently booked for the holidays and will not be resuming appointments until the spring. Thank you for your interest! I appreciate it! Shirley

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beautiful family

I enjoyed photographing this family so much! They were so kind and fun ~ I know we captured some great moments in time! Thanks for calling and have fun choosing! Shirley

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall sesssions filled

I am completely booked for the holidays. I absolutely cannot take any more appointments. Even if I said I would take your photos in the fall and you have not contacted me I cannot fit you in. Waiting until the second week of November is simply too late for me to find any open times. Thank you so much for the continued interest I have received...I am so grateful and I do realize I have so much to be thankful for this season. I appreciate everyone of you and please think of me in the spring.

With emails like this how can I not be so grateful?! Thank you so much for your kind words...they meant so much!

"If you have a hit counter on your website... I am responsible for 1000 hits this past week. My husband keeps saying "are you checking AGAIN?" We will be bugging you again VERY soon in the future! I may try to weasel in some Christmas pics without him knowing... :) Looking into a really cool plastic betta bowl as a prop for something like you did with Tatum? (I think) Hopefully Landry will be sitting up by Christmas? Maybe New years pics? :) Who knows. But indoors this time! And I definitely want you for April. His first birthday is the 22nd so the closer we get put me down! I have no clue clue how far you book in advance or fill up! :) Thank you so much and call me crazy but I am SOOOOOO excited! I LOVE your photography!"

Wow, thank you so very much.

I just had the pleasure of taking photos of a local football team. Aren't they adorable?! Good night! Time to cut out indian vests! Shirley Harris

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sweet 16

This young lady is so naturally beautiful ~ if we could all be so lucky! We had so much fun getting sweet 16 year old photos. She is not only beautiful but as nice as she can be. Thanks for a great time!