Sunday, January 25, 2009

I am so excited!

I just signed up for a workshop in Salt Lake City for four days in mid June. It is my Christmas, birthday present for 2008, 2009, etc. etc. I will be shooting with two of the best known senior photographers in the country. There will be thirty of us at the workshop and we will be shooting models and post processing them. I am looking forward to taking over the senior market in 2010! Perfect Cameron will be a senior. Just in time!

LOVE this family...

The oldest son is one of Cameron's best friends. He is without a doubt one of the finest people you will ever know. Max and I feel so blessed to have these people in our lives. I adore the mother ~ she loves her boys ~ I just wish we could find more time to spend together because when I am with her, I always have such a great time. We love you guys!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


A delightful family

This was a large group - grandma and grandpa, their daughter and her family, and their son and his family! It was alot of fun and we captured some great moments. Thanks everyone! Call me again when you are back in Texas!