Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thanks Cathy!

I received this email from a friend whom I don't see enough. When we do get together we always laugh and laugh but our busy schedules do not allow us to get together as often as would like. Anyway, with friends like this, what else do we really need in life? Not much....I feel blessed.

Thanks for your kind words!

"I just wanted to tell you how much fun I had looking at the updated pictures tonight and catching up on your blog. You have so much talent. The pictures of the babies were especially adorable. And seeing Jessica’s cheer pictures and Cam’s homecoming pictures was so great. I felt like family.

Congratulations on your acceptance to the professional photography group. It is certainly well deserved. They know talent when they see it. I bet you give out as many tips as you get. You’re awesome!!! And you do it all – taking classes, teaching classes and professional photography. Can I be you when I grow up ?"

Oh gosh, you do not want to be me when you grow up. Disorganized, messy house, bad cook, need I go on...! I think YOU are pretty director...always smiling (how do you do that?) just to name a few!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch family

One very bright Sunday morning we met at the Pumpkin Patch for photos. Mom and middle son were so sick but they did not want to cancel. That was sweet but I did feel so sorry for them! Baby was feeling pretty good though! Look how cute he is!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

beautiful family

All I can say is wow ~ beautiful family, beautiful photos, beautiful memories.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I love shooting teenagers. I have met so many wonderful teenagers through my son and this business. They are not only beautiful but goal oriented and hard working. Good luck to all of you! I know you will go so far in life!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Too many to share

This family had a lot of great captures. It was hard to choose and I am picking just a few to share. Thanks for a great time! I enjoyed meeting your precious family. Shirley

A girl with hats

Aren't these photos adorable? If you have a fall session scheduled with me, do not forget the hats! Hats can really add to photos especially those young ones!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

And how's your day ?!

A big thank you to my sister and mother for spending part of their Saturday to work in my classroom. The science center is almost completed! We have some great ideas and I cannot wait for the kids to utilize the center next week.

I have some really wonderful news I would like to share with everyone. (no, I am not pregnant.) I applied for membership in an acceptance only professional photography group. Okay, I just filled out my application and my info/ website and submitted it. I did not have my hopes set too high as I know they are selective and stated on the application that if you are denied you have to wait 60 days to reapply and don't be discouraged because most people do not get in the first try. Well, I did! I got my congratulations two days ago. I guess in our own way we all need to be validated occasionally. Anyway it felt good and I wanted to share!

I am behind in editing. I have a one year old I shot (too adorable) and a wonderful family, and some individual football players. I am waiting on my newest upgrade to photoshop (my third upgrade in a year) so I can try some new tricks. Anyway, I can't wait to post and share.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Those Christmas templates will be posted this week. Stay tuned...Shirley